Manufacturer Part #
A40MX04 Series 6000 System Gates 34 I/O Surface Mount FPGA - PLCC-44
Microchip A40MX04-PLG44I - Product Specification
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PCN Information:
Description of Change:Release of updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 FPGA synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3Reason for Change:Release updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 FPGA synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3 to prevent incorrect Verilog mapping of RTL using increment/decrement operations (++ / --) while indexing into an array on the right-hand side (RHS) of an assignment statement, as described in the attached Customer Notice.
Description of Change:Release of updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3 as described in the attached customer notification details.Reason for Change:Release updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3 to prevent incorrect VHDL expression evaluation during compilation, when performing subtraction with a real constant number operand, and an additional division/multiplication operation that uses a variable. This is to fix a VHDL compiler issue that occurs in specific VHDL expressions.
Part Status: