Renesas RZ/G3S General-Purpose Microprocessors (MPUs)
Single-core Arm® Cortex®-A55 (1.1 GHz) CPU and dual-core Cortex®-M33 (250 MHz) CPU, supporting low-power mode and PCI Express
The Renesas RZ/G3S microprocessor (MPU) includes a Cortex®-A55 (1.1GHz) CPU, 16-bit LPDDR4 or DDR4 interface and low-power mode. It also has many interfaces such as PCIe, CAN FD, and 12-bit ADC, making it ideal for applications such as IoT edge applications.
As a software platform for this product, Renesas provides the Verified Linux package, which includes the Linux Kernel, middleware drivers, and basic software for this product. The Verified Linux package is verified and provided by Renesas.
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RZ/G3S Block Diagram