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What is Thermal Management?
Future Electronics is a leader in Thermal Management, which is a crucial aspect of electronic design. Heat is generated by electronic devices and circuitry, so it must be dissipated to improve reliability and prevent failure. Techniques for heat dissipation can include heatsinks and fans, peltiers, cold pipes, liquid cooling, thermal interface materials,. Future Electronics offers all solutions from leaders in the marketplace.
Future Electronics offers a wide range of Fans, both axial (propeller) and radial (blower/centrifugal) fans from such supplier as Aavid Thermalloy, ADDA, CUI, Delta, Etri, Nidec, Nuventix, Orion and Sunon.
Fans are powered either by shaded pole AC motors, or brushed/brushless DC motors. AC-powered fans usually use the main voltage, while DC-powered fans typically use low voltage. The most common voltage for DC-powered fans are 5 V, 12 V or 24 V. Another benefit of the brushless DC motors (used in computer equipment) is that it produces less electromagnetic interference than other options.
Usually you will find fans used in conjunction with a heatsink to increase airflow. This is known as a forced air system.
Future Electronics offers a wide range of Heatsinks from such suppliers as Aavid Thermalloy, CUI, CTS, Gardtec, Nuventix, TE Connectivity, r and Wakefield.
A heat sink (or heatsink) is an object that absorbs and dissipates heat. Heatsinks usually consist of a metal structure with one or more flat surfaces to ensure good thermal contact with the components to be cooled, and an array of protrusions called “fins” (that look like a hair comb) to increase the surface contact with the air, and thus the rate of heat dissipation.
Heat sinks are used in a wide range of applications including refrigeration, heat engines, handheld electronic devices, CPUs and graphic processors.
Peltier modules and Peltier cooling units is ideally suited for high density, high power medical and industrial applications as well as refrigeration and sealed environments where forced air cooling is not an option. Ranging in size from 10 to 70 mm with profiles as low as 3 mm. The modules are offered in both sinlge-stage and multi-stage.
Future Electronics offer Peltiers from CUI and Wakefield-Vette
Cold Plate and Heat Pipes are typically used when significant amounts of heat need to be transferred or for exceptionally high power cooling. These solutions are typically customized to fit the speicfic application needs but Future electronics engineer team can help. Future Electronics offers a wide range of cold plate and Heat pipe solutions from Aavid, CUI, Wakefield-Vette, Sunon.
Thermal Accessories & Interface material
We also offer thermal compounds, such as paste or pad interface type to help in heat transfer to the heatsink.
Thermal Management Solutions in R&D Quantities or Production Ready Packaging
With our state-of-the-art facility in Memphis and FutureElectronics.com, you have the option to order the exact number of fans or heatsinks required for your R&D or electronic project needs without the unnecessary surplus of buying full boxes.